
經濟系大學生如何交易獲利11 倍!?策略與心得分享 | FTMO Trader Interview系列3 Xavier

What is FTMO?

FTMO是一家國際性的自營交易商,總部位於歐洲捷克,尋找世界各地的素人交易員操作資金,從最低花費報名費最低約160美元(150歐元)取得資金規模1萬美元,到最高報名費1,140美元(1080歐元)提供200,000 美元的資金給素人交易員操作。

The transaction assessment is divided into two stages. The two stages set different profit deadlines, loss amounts, and profit targets. After the two stages are passed, the company's capital operations can be obtained and they can become their traders (traders).

After becoming a formal trader, there is no limit to the time limit for making a profit, and there is no profit target.

Simply put,FTMOProvide a variety of fund accounts. You only need to spend the registration fee and pass the assessment to make money with their funds. If you lose money, you don't have to pay, but the profit can be divided.

Of course there are others, but because they are almost all foreign companies, you have to do a lot of homework to study a company in depth. When I first learned about this, it was like discovering a new world, but I also know that there are too many scams in the foreign exchange market, so I have to work hard to study by myself.

Fortunately, a few Taiwanese around me also use it, so I slowly became familiar with this model, and then I actually signed up for it, but because of too many details and rules, it's better to organize a Chinese version by myself for later review and record purposes, and also share this information with those who need it.

Introduction to FTMO


FTMO official website

FTMO official blog

FTMO mailbox


FTMO phone

+44 2033222983

FTMO Trader Interview

FTMO Exam Rules

FTMO Supplementary Rules

FTMO Registration Teaching

FTMO Frequently Asked Questions (Chinese)

FTMO free demo trading practice (performance can be tracked in the background)

FTMO directly register an account (no need to register and pay first)

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. My Forex Funds

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. FundedNext

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. E8 Funding

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. Leveled Up Society

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. The5%ers

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. True Forex Funds

【Comparison】 FTMO vs. Surge Trader

【Comparison】 Prop Firm Comparison

FTMO promotions

FTMO Trader Interview系列是什麼?

FTMO Trader Interview這系列的影片是由FTMO團隊訪問操作他們資金且成功達標(或超過)的素人交易員的訪談,會訪問一些固定內容及針對交易者的回答衍生問的內容,但都是想了解這些素人交易者如何達標的。


而FTMO訪問的素人交易員有很多,來自世界各地國家,每位交易者都有不同的策略或是思路,如果可以歸納出這些成功素人交易員的思路與方法,應該會收穫滿滿,我會把這系列的紀錄放在 In the FTMO Trader Interview series


FTMO Trader Interview訪問影片-Xavier

本次Trader Interview簡介



FTMO Trader





20萬 USD


17,500 USD




1,080 EUR (根據寫文章時換算約1,086 USD)


14,000 USD (80%)






本次Trader Interview說明



這筆操作是在2022年3月份,若切換到4H時間級別中,可以發現價格在2021年年底前,還是不斷下降,直到2021年底左右,下降的市場結構(Lower high, lower low)不再持續,變成Lower high, Equal low,不再繼續創造更低的低點而形成相同的低點,以價格行為來說「可能」是潛在反轉的訊號。

而價格開始出現反轉並挑戰前高時,最後成功突破(紅色箭頭處),可以視為改變結構,變成Higher high, higher low的上漲結構,此時心中想的是買進做多。

接著切換到1小時級別,隨著價格不斷移動,回落到紫色區域Higher low仍然是處在上漲結構,隨後出現大陽k棒吞破前一根陰k棒(紅框區),表示當時多頭的力道還是主導市場,這邊又更加確定做多的立場,以及開始尋找進場位置。

接著切換到更小的時間級別,可以發現價格又回落到小紫色區域的位置,回測紅框區價格突破的位置,並收一根十字線,這時在下一根k棒進場(可切到15分級別進場),止損設定12 pips,停利直接設定目標價格50 pips。



而價格也確實達到50 pips,停利出場。

而Xavier是觀察在5分鐘的時間級別以價格行為來判斷,是否還是處在上漲結構? 如果跌破前一根higher low低點,表示打破上漲結構就會出場;而如果沒有跌破,仍在上漲結構,就應該讓他持續跑,直達獲利目標。


這讓我想到過去在持倉的過程中的經驗,遇到價格有相對比較大的回落時,會產生對一種不確定性,而這種不確定性有時會讓我們恐懼,擔心如果他再繼續回落,是不是就回落到break even位置,不是覺得賺太少就是覺得白忙一場,所以就手動出場掉。










  • 風險報酬比(RRR)和勝率(Win Rate)

在RRR中可以看到是1.39,表示在承受1單位風險可以獲得1.39倍的報酬,而win rate在57.5%。


也可以從影片中得知,Xavier的核心策略應該都是以價格行為做判斷,在我分享的幾個FTMO Trader Interview系列 裡面,也蠻多都是使用價格行為做分析判斷。





當然能達成這的成績過程一定不會是容易的,他也有提到他在考試期間都會花很多時間回測,以及看FTMO Trader Interview系列的影片學到很多,我自己也從影片學到很多受用的內容,大家若有興趣可以點連結去看看。




1.結構對於價格行為判斷來說很重要,Higher high, higher low或是Lower high, lower low都可以是判斷結構是否延續的關鍵,假使趨勢要反轉,高機率會出現Equal或是明顯的破壞結構的價格出現,而且越高級別越有效。



Various QA's about Forex prop firm

What is Proprietary Trading? What is Proprietary Trading?

Forex prop firms are a type of proprietary trading model where companies use their own funds for trading. Some companies have specially established proprietary departments, or the company itself is a proprietary trading company.

Since a company wants to make money in the market, in addition to relying on the company's own shareholders or employees, it can also design a set of models and rules, find people who will make money in the market, and provide account funds to help make money. Making money can be divided into profits, while losing money is borne by the company. This model has been in use abroad for many years., But it is not so popular in China.

What is the difference between a foreign exchange dealer and a foreign exchange broker?

With forex brokers, investors use their own funds deposited in accounts opened with the broker, and the account's risks and profits/losses are borne by the investor themselves. On the other hand, with forex prop firms, investors find a prop firm and participate in their evaluation. If they pass, they trade using the firm's account. The account's risk and losses are borne by the firm, while profits are shared.
























  • 爆倉(損失所有本金)

  • 遇到詐騙經紀商



  • 想全權管控自有資金

  • Use EA program to trade

  • 有技術但缺乏資金

  • 想在高資金下練交易心態

  • 想要穩健成長投資人

  • Some self-employed merchants support EA

Does Forex Prop Firms only offer forex as trading instruments?

The majority of traded products are forex currency pairs, but there are also offerings of indices, precious metals, and other non-currency pair products. For example, FTMO prop firm provides such offerings. The trading products offered by each prop firm can vary greatly.

Are prop firms a scam?

No, but there will be many self-employed merchants who are mixed with fish and fish, so the research on self-employed merchants is very important. And brokers also have many questions about fraud. I have compiled an article before.How brokers crack scams, But after I learned about the model of self-employed merchants, I think it needs to be studied more. In addition to the brokers used by self-employed merchants, it is also necessary to understand their rules, user reviews, various aspects of experience, etc., which are quite areas that need to do homework.

Regarding whether it is fraud or not, in order to verify, I spent a lot of time sorting out and collecting information from these self-employed merchants (fortunately, they are all very public). The techniques of cracking broker fraud can also be applied to verifying self-employed merchants. In addition, many friends around me are using it, so it is currently known that it is not a scam.

At present, the self-employed business I use by myself has this one, but my friends around me have been using other homes for a while, and they have not encountered any problems in dividing profits and withdrawing funds. In the future, I will organize an article on this issue if I have the opportunity. Article.

Why have I rarely heard of prop firms?

Most people who come into contact with foreign exchange margin should be mainly brokers (brokerages), but this self-operated model is quite popular abroad. Many successful foreign traders started from this model. They first use their rules to help them develop trading discipline, and after a period of trading, they haveDivide the profit funds, and then go to the broker to open an account and operate with your own funds.

What is the difference between a foreign exchange dealer and a self-owned fund?

If you open an account with a broker, you put in your own principal. All risks are borne by the investors. In addition, you also need to prevent fraudulent brokers from allowing withdrawals, black-hearted spreads, fake brokers, fake customer service and other issues. You really need to do your own homework.

The self-employed model is to register with the self-employed company and after the assessment, they will give you a sum of funds, and you will help them trade. All losses will be borne by the company (the most is the loss of the registration fee), and when you make a profit, you can get a share of the profit. All the problems that may be encountered in the broker are handled by the company.Worry, and investors just need to concentrate on the rules and profit.

Which foreign exchange dealer should I choose?

There are about dozens of foreign exchange dealers in the world, but I and my friends around me have used at least 4 of them, while I have used 2 of them myself. And each self-operated foreign exchange company has its own examination regulations, profit sharing ratio, risk control standards, and other items such as supported trading platforms, retake rules, registration fees, etc. For too many details, please refer to me.Organize and compare the information of foreign exchange dealers

How much does it cost to apply for a Funding Plan?

The registration fee of each self-employed company will vary depending on the comprehensive assessment of account funds, rules, profit target setting, challenge period, etc. The minimum FTMO is 155 euros for a Normal account, and the account limit is 10,000 U.S. dollars.

本次FTMO Trader Interview系列分享我認為有蠻多值得學習的點,而以上都是以我的經驗與角度去學習與闡述的觀點,每個人的看法可能與我不同,我也很歡迎大家一起交流彼此看法,一起精進。

我也有專門整理一系列交易策略的分享文章,都是關於國外交易員的訪談,多看不同交易員分享的策略有助於歸納成功的交易方法,大家有興趣可以去看看: Trading strategy sharing

Everyone is welcome to join the telegram group below to communicate.

另外如果你想透過少少報名費取得FTMO的大資金,可以先參考這篇: FTMO的規則和介紹


FTMO.com - For serious traders

Read More:

FTMO Introduction article:

[Complete Explanation] FTMO Proprietary Trading Rules | How to Make Money Using Other People's Capital!?



FTMO Trader Interview Series articles:

How do college dropouts earn 16 times by trading only one foreign exchange currency pair! ? / FTMO Trader Interview Series 1

Amateur forex traders earn 350 times! ? Selflessly share trading strategies! / FTMO Trader Interview Series 2

How do college students in the Department of Economics make 11 times the profit from trading! ? Strategy and Experience Sharing | FTMO Trader Interview Series 3

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