讀者A: 您好,想請教一個問題:如果通過考試後沒有賺錢反而還虧損了,那FTMO還會把報名費退還嗎?
In addition, do you have a personal community account that you can track (ig or something)? After all, there are not many people who are traders in Taiwan, and the college students and friends around you have no concept of this area. I want to get to know more people and expand my horizons. It would be better if we could work together in the future!
小生: 考試結束時帳戶餘額需為正(ex.1萬的倉需大於1萬),若沒達到目標可以申請免費重考;若通過考試在第一次獲利出金會退還報名費。若考試結束時帳戶餘額為負(ex.1萬的倉小於1萬),就不能重考,報名費也不會退還,等於說沒通過考試了。